Evaluación de daño corporal Ruber Internacional

Bodily Injury Assessment Unit

Medicine and Justice Hand in Hand

Welcome to the Bodily Injury Assessment Unit at Ruber International Hospital!

In our Unit, we specialize in the medical and hospital assessment of bodily injuries that a person may have sustained following a specific incident. Our highly qualified medical team, composed of experts in bodily injury evaluation and medical expert reporting, is dedicated to accurately assessing and documenting damages, harm, injuries, or sequelae that may have occurred.

Our work is crucial for those who need to claim compensation, apply for temporary or permanent disability, or present medical evidence in administrative or judicial proceedings. We conduct thorough examinations and diagnostic tests to ensure a comprehensive and precise evaluation.

Whether it is after a traffic accident, medical malpractice, a workplace accident, an assault, or a chronic disabling illness, our team is here to provide the medical and legal support and guidance you need.

At the Bodily Injury Assessment Unit, we combine medical and legal knowledge to ensure a fair and well-founded evaluation. Trust us to deliver a solid and reliable assessment in situations affecting your physical and legal well-being.

Comprehensive support on your path to recovery and justice.

Bodily Injury Assessment

Daño corporalDaño corporal

At the Bodily Injury Assessment Unit, we understand the vital importance of a precise and comprehensive medical assessment for our patients. Our highly qualified specialists have extensive experience conducting this process, ensuring that each patient receives the care and support they need in cases of bodily injury.

The primary objectives of the medical assessment of bodily injury are:

  • Thorough evaluation of injuries and sequelae: Our team performs a meticulous assessment to understand the extent and severity of injuries, ensuring an accurate diagnosis.
  • Quantifying the degree of disability: We aim to determine the functional and occupational impact of injuries, assessing the level of disability they may cause for the patient.
  • Establishing causal linkage: It is essential to identify whether the injuries are directly related to the incident in question, whether it be a traffic accident or medical malpractice.
  • Assessing economic harm: We evaluate the economic damages that may arise, such as medical expenses, wage losses, and rehabilitation costs.
  • Preparing a detailed expert medical report: We provide a robust report documenting all evaluations and findings, offering an objective basis for legal decisions and claims.
  • Providing comprehensive patient support: We focus on the patient's well-being, offering guidance on appropriate treatment and measures to improve their quality of life.
  • Contributing to prevention and research: By evaluating injuries and accidents, our medical assessments can help enhance overall safety and medical care.

If you would like more details about our medical bodily injury assessment services or wish to schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our goal is to provide you with the support you need throughout this process.

We Combine Medical and Legal Expertise

Permanent Disability

Incapacidad daño corporalIncapacidad daño corporal

Our specialists in the field of permanent disability are responsible for evaluating situations where a patient presents severe and definitive anatomical or functional impairments that reduce or eliminate their ability to work after having suffered a specific incident (traffic accident, workplace accident, assault, chronic illness, etc.), received medical care, and been discharged.

In these cases, we assess the feasibility of each process and advocate for the patient’s situation in administrative and judicial proceedings. There are different types of permanent disability, each with varying levels of limitations for performing work tasks and daily activities:

  • Partial Permanent Disability
  • Total Permanent Disability
  • Absolute Permanent Disability
  • Severe Disability

We have extensive experience in handling permanent disability cases and supporting our patients in their pursuit of justice and well-being.

Traffic Accidents

ma irregular (13)ma irregular (13)

Our specialists in Traffic Accidents at the Bodily Injury Assessment Unit conduct a thorough analysis of the injuries and sequelae of patients involved in road accidents. Through diagnostic tests, medical examinations, and consultations with specialists, we provide a detailed expert medical report to support compensation claims with insurance companies. Additionally, in cases of disagreement, we offer advice and representation in administrative and judicial proceedings to protect the rights of those affected.

Our medical and legal team is committed to providing comprehensive and professional support throughout the entire process.

Medical-Legal Aspect

Valoración de daño corporal legalValoración de daño corporal legal

We offer a comprehensive program for medical and hospital evaluation.

  • Labor Area
  • Civil and Criminal Area: Our medical and legal team conducts a thorough analysis of injuries and sequelae.

Immediate support and professional assistance during challenging times.

  • Team of Dr. Ignacio Peña Iglesias
    Team Leader: Dr. Ignacio Peña Iglesias
    Specialty: Bodily Injury Assessment Unit
    Hospital Ruber Internacional
    91 387 51 68