

The Specialized Care You Need

Welcome to the Rheumatology Service at Hospital Ruber Internacional!

We provide excellent medical care to patients with diseases affecting the joints, bones, muscles, and the tissues surrounding them. Our main objective is accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal and connective tissues, including conditions such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, arthritis, and issues related to lupus. There are more than 200 rheumatic diseases that can affect people of any age.

At Hospital Ruber Internacional, we have the most advanced technology, which allows us to offer updated and highly effective therapeutic options.

We are a team of specialists dedicated to your well-being. We guarantee professional, close, and personalized care. We strive to provide treatment tailored to your individual needs.

On this page, you can find more information about our services and our team of specialists. If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us.

Your well-being is our priority.

Cutting-Edge Techniques and Treatments

Musculoskeletal diseases can cause pain, inflammation, stiffness, deformity, or limitation of movement. And systemic autoimmune diseases can affect any organ in the body, such as the kidneys, lungs, skin, eyes, or brain.

The specialists in the Rheumatology unit have the latest pharmacological technology and equipment to ensure the accuracy of your diagnosis and treatment.

The diagnostic tests we perform are:

  • Bone Densitometry. We have a state-of-the-art densitometer that provides high-resolution images, and this clarity significantly increases the certainty of the diagnosis.
  • Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. This allows us to guide joint punctures by visualizing the process on a screen, achieving maximum precision when injecting or extracting fluid from a joint.
  • Synovial Fluid Analysis. This is done through a polarized light microscope that allows us to analyze the morphology and characteristics of the microcrystals found in the joint fluid. It is essential for diagnosing conditions like gout or chondrocalcinosis and applying the appropriate treatment.
  • Capillaroscopy. We can perform a detailed study of the superficial microcirculation in the fingers. This microvascular damage is characteristic of some rheumatic diseases.
    • Diagnostic Arthrocentesis: This involves extracting fluid from a joint.
  • Minor Salivary Gland Biopsy: A complementary diagnostic method to confirm the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome.

Therapeutic Techniques and Treatments:

  • Administration of intravenous medications.
  • Development of individualized rehabilitation programs with physiotherapy treatments.
  • Injections into joints and periarticular areas.
  • Injections with ultrasound guidance.
  • Isotopic synoviorthesis.
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Specialized and Comprehensive Care

We Bet on Research

Rheumatology is one of the specialties that has developed the most advancements in diagnosis and treatment in recent years, but we are not content with that.

We stand out for our experience and dedication. In the Rheumatology Unit at Hospital Ruber Internacional, we are in constant training and scientific updating. We are expert rheumatologists who regularly participate in both national and international rheumatology congresses and publish highly impactful scientific articles in specialized journals.

We believe that the best care is the one linked to research, which is why we seek new personalized treatments for our patients and participate in clinical trials with new medications. At the same time, we work on the development of our own research lines.

We Offer a Second Opinion

We are an accessible and rapid-response unit. If you are looking for a second opinion from a prestigious professional, request an appointment through our website, and we will help you understand your condition and guide you through each step of the treatment.

Investigación reumatologíaInvestigación reumatología
Comprehensive Care

Our approach includes studying each case in multidisciplinary clinical sessions, where we listen to the viewpoints of each expert to design a therapeutic plan tailored to each patient. At Hospital Ruber Internacional, we provide global care in constant contact with the necessary specialties.

  • Physical Therapy Unit
  • Pulmonology Unit
  • Ophthalmology Unit
  • Pediatrics Unit
  • Traumatology Unit

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In the Rheumatology Service, we treat both adult and pediatric rheumatological diseases. We are in constant contact with experts from other services at Hospital Ruber Internacional to provide you with the most accurate diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment.



  • Rheumatoid
  • Psoriatic
  • Gout
  • Pyrophosphate disease


  • Hands
  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Lumbar or cervical spine

Inflammatory Spine Diseases

  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Spondyloarthritis

Bone Metabolic Diseases

  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteomalacia
  • Bone edema syndromes

Systemic Autoimmune Diseases

  • Sjögren’s Syndrome
  • Lupus
  • Systemic sclerosis
  • Vasculitis

Localized or Generalized Pain Conditions

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Myofascial syndromes
  • Tendinitis

Medical Team

  • Team of Dr. Juan Mulero Mendoza
    Team Leader: Dr. Juan Mulero Mendoza
    Specialty: Rheumatology
    Hospital Ruber Internacional
    91 387 51 70
  • Team of Dr. Indalecio Monteagudo Sáez
    Team Leader: Dr. Indalecio Monteagudo Sáez
    Specialty: Rheumatology
    Hospital Ruber Internacional, Centro Médico Paseo de la Habana
    91 457 77 64 / 91 387 51 68 / 91 387 50 00